Speaking Engagements
Our experienced teachers are pleased to be able to share their knowledge about mindfulness. We have participated in a wide variety of conferences, meetings, and events, offering participants an opportunity to learn about mindfulness in an experiential manner, through practice and discussion.
Learn more about arranging a speaking event for your school, workplace, or function.
Past Speaking Engagements
- November 2011: Professional Development for Teachers at Birchmount Collegiate
- February 2012: Professional Development for Social Workers at Bloor Collegiate
- Spring 2012: Mindfulness Professional Development Training for Educators – five week course for social workers at the TDSB
- April 2012: Introductory sessions for students at Rosedale Heights School of the Arts
- April 2012: Poster presentation on Fostering Positive Mental Health, Measuring the Effectiveness of The Mindful Edge program at Hearts and Minds Think Tank Event at TARGET symposium.
- May 2012: Introductory sessions to students at Birchmount Collegiate
- June 2012: OACAS Conference MAKING CONNECTIONS: Emotional Regulation and Children’s Mental Health, Trillium Lakelands School Board
- June 2012: Introduction to Mindfulness for Staff at Hincks-Dellcrest Centre.
- July 2012: Mindfulness Training for Educators, Social Workers, Guidance Counselors in Milton, NS
- August 2012: Mindfulness Training workshop for S-Trip Summer Conference
- October 2012: Introduction to Mindfulness for all grade 9 students at Forest Hill Collegiate
- October 2012: Keynote for Hearts and Minds Conference
- November 2012: Poster Presentation of Action Research Study of The Mindful Edge at Garrison Institute: Annual Symposium for Educators
- November 2012: Mindfulness Training workshop for Albion Neighbourhood Services
- November 2012: Mindfulness Training workshop for Arrowsmith School
- January 2013: Mindfulness Training workshop for Mabin School
- February 2013: Mindfulness Training workshop for Associated Jewish Schools
- February 2013: Mindfulness workshop for TDSB PSSD – Professional Support Staff Department
- February 2013: Mindfulness workshop for YRDSB – Middlefield Staff
- May 2013: Mindfulness Training workshop for Humber College Special Needs Resource Conference
- April 2013: Mindfulness Training for CALM Educators, Stratford
- May 2013: Lunch and Learn G.S. Henry Secondary School
- May 2015: TLDSB – Health Symposium
- 2013/2015/2015/2016/2017/2018: Bridging the Hearts and Minds of Youth
- 2017/2018/May 2021/2022/2023: A Mindful Society Conference
- 2019/2020/2021/2022:OSCA
- 2016/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022: PD Presentations in Schools
- 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022: Parent Presentations