Mindfulness Programs for Personal Growth and Balance

Mindfulness For Personal Growth

It Begins with You – Why Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness Everyday has been delivering programs since 2002 that emphasize participant engagement – meditation, movement, discussion and more, focusing on an individuals’ well-being.

Mindfulness practices have been around for thousands of years. Today, healthcare professionals are increasingly recommending mindfulness practice to combat depression and anxiety and to calm, clear and ground the heart and mind. Many of us are currently carrying remarkable levels of fear and anxiety, in navigating the current climate of uncertainty, loss of control and conflict. You can change your relationship to the circumstances and uncertainty that life hands you through mindfulness.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." ~ Victor Frankl, Holocaust Survivor

The Benefits of Mindfulness

There are many benefits–physical, mental and emotional, including:

  • Less stress
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Decreased depression
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Bolstered immune system
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Heightened focus
  • Reduced emotional reactivity
  • Improved work and personal relationships.

Consistent and ongoing mindfulness practices provide proven mental health and wellness benefits. Research supports mindfulness practices to improve stress management, self-care, resilience, concentration, executive functioning, and positive habits of mind. 

Start Your Journey Here


Empowering individuals to be with the ups and downs of life through practical wellness strategies and practices. The program teaches participants to manage stress, self-regulate their emotions, and improve their communication skills.

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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) workshops for the general public in community settings to enhance physical, emotional, mental, social health and well-being.

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Mindful Self-Compassion 6-week workshop is designed for those who are short on time and is ideal for those who are curious about MSC and want to have a taste of self-compassion.

SC-MSC Short Course Mindfulness Self-Compassion

Weekly 75-minute sessions in gentle yoga online, incorporating the attitudes of mindfulness, in a safe setting – your own home.

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Mindful Parenting Workshops are designed to improve health and well-being, providing essential self-care tools. Parents and Caregivers can achieve immediate benefits for themselves and receive support for implementing mindfulness skills in their family life. 

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Meditation retreats offer practical instruction for the various mindfulness meditations in a shared community setting. 

Button - Guided Retreats, part of Personal

Sunday Gatherings provide an opportunity to practice mindfulness together, share experiences of our practice, and investigate skillful means of using mindfulness-based strategies and techniques to manage life’s challenges.

Button - Attend Free Sunday Gathering, part of Personal

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