Current Programs

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Our Scholarship Programs

Mindfulness Everyday is committed to providing mindfulness training to all, and removing accessibility barriers as best we can.
If you have been touched by mindfulness in your own life, and wish to make a meaningful gift to assist another, please donate to our Scholarship Program.
If you are someone who wishes to take a training in mindfulness and would benefit from financial assistence, investigate the options below or contact us directly.

Learn More

Mindfulness Everyday is registered as a charitable organization in Canada. Registration #83693 3507 RR0001.
Make a donation through Canada HelpsĀ HERE

Mindfulness Everyday Quick Links

Weekly Event Registration

Free Weekly Community Gatherings on Sundays    

Course Registration

The Mindful Edge Teen Group MBSR (Mindfulness--Based Stress Reduction)

Special Events and Workshops


Teacher Training Program Registration

Leading Mindfulness Groups Course SMART Facilitator Training Pathway The Mindful Edge Teacher Training Program
Mindful Yoga Teacher Training Teaching Mindfulness to Teens  

Associate Teacher Courses

Our Associate Teachers have trained with Mindfulness Everyday, and offer independent courses that are in harmony with our mission and values.

<u></u>he Untethered Soul Course Mindful Yoga with Natalia Fister