The Mindful Edge Research


The Mindful Edge® is a specially-developed program to provide Stress Reduction and Life Strategies for Teens. It is based on the principles of the MBSR Workshop program created by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Students actively participate in the process of unfolding  a practical understanding of mindfulness and how it can benefit them in their lives through specific mindfulness-based practices, discussions, and engaging activities.


Action Research Fostering Positive Mental Health in Ontario Schools: Measuring the Effectiveness of The Mindful Edge® Program

The Mindful Edge program offers positive mental health promotion to students through long-term skill building. The skills developed throughout this course can help them manage stress in a healthy manner and better ready themselves for learning in an academic setting.
Since Spring 2013, The Mindful Edge program has been facilitating an 8-week mindfulness training program for teens while collecting data. A Canadian Vision has been assiting in the development and procurement of required measurement tools and completed all written reports. Together, the following research questions were investigated: Does the Mindful Edge program improve students’ abilities to recognize and identify symptoms of stress? If so, are they adopting more effective strategies when trying to reduce the unhealthy effects of stress? 

Fostering Positive Mental Health in Ontario Schools