Mindful Parenting Workshops for School Councils

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Contact Angela Ventrice
Director of Educational Programs
For More Information

Mindful Parenting Resources

School Council (Parent) Workshops

    Introduction to Mindfulness for
    School (Parent) Councils

    Mindfulness Workshops for School Councils are designed to improve health and well-being, providing essential self-care tools. Parents and Care-givers can achieve immediate benefits for themselves and receive support for implementing mindfulness skills in their family life.
    Studies have shown that parents and children who have received mindfulness training had reductions in stress and anxiety, significant increases in self-compassion and self-awareness.
    The workshops are experiential, providing parents with practical skills and knowledge about mindfulness: what it is, what are the benefits to both parents and children and how it can be practiced. Techniques and resources on practicing mindful awareness within family dynamics will be provided.

    Learn how:

    • parents can support their children through mindful parenting techniques.
    • mindfulness can support well-being for families
    • practicing mindfulness at home can support students in school