Mindfulness Everyday Partnerships:

Conference Presentations and Organizations we have worked with

Mindfulness Everyday has established supportive relationships. Our approach is that mindfulness cultivates positive health and well-being using evidence–based stress management techniques, life skills and strategies.

School Boards Educational Organizations

Private Schools

Universities and Colleges

Carlton (Ottawa) District School Board
Durham Catholic District School Board
Durham Catholic School Board
Durham District School Board
Hamilton District School Board
Simcoe County District School Board
TDCSB Toronto Catholic District School Board
TDSB Toronto District School Board
TDSB-Psychological Services
Waterloo District School Board
YRCSB York Region Catholic School Board
YRDSB York Region District School Board

Ed Can Network
ETFO-Kawartha Pineridge Association
Healthy Schools BC
LDAO-YR-Learning Disabilities Association - YRDSB
Ontario Principal’s Council
OSCA Ontario School Counsellor’s Association
YRDSB Centre for Leadership and Learning
YRDSB VP Association

Associated Jewish Schools
Blythe Academy
Branksome Hall
Hebrew Associated Schools
Mabin School
Selwyn House (Montreal)
Sterling Hall Tannenbaum CHAT
Temple Sinai Nursery School (Montreal) The Giles School
University of Toronto Schools
Upper Canada College



Humber College
Toronto Metropolitan University
University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies York University

Community Organizations



Project Partnerships

Albion Neighbourhood Services
Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre
Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre
Hinks-Dellcrest Centre
Jerome Diamond Adolescent Centre
RNAO-SNIG Interest Group
TNG Community Services

ETFO Elementary School Teachers Association
Friends of the Guild Collaborative
RTO-Retired Teachers of Ontario
Stratford CALM
The Centre for Mindfulness Studies
Vocational Rehabilitation Association Ontario

12th Annual International Scientific Conference for Clinicians
A Mindful Society
Bridging the Hearts and Minds of Youth
Canadian Positive Psychology Conference
NACAC Conference
PRO-Parks and Recreation Ontario
Reading for the Love of It
TDSB Parents and Caregivers as Partners Conference
YRDSB Quest Conference

Calmer Choice
Centre for Compassionate Leadership
Director X-Operation Pre-Frontal Cortex
Eline Snel-Academy for Mindful Teaching
Muslim Child and Family Services
The Hospital for Sick Children
The Resiliency Project-York Region

Mindfulness Council of CanadaMindfulness Council of Canada


Donate to MCC through Canada Helps Here

Mindfulness Council is networking across Canada to help individuals and organizations find reputable trainings, professional and personal, and help community members to nurture their own practice once trained. MCC seeks to connect, promote collaborations, signpost where research opportunities and innovations exist, advocate for more accessible programs, professional trainings, and mindfulness communities, promote standards in facilitation, encourage ongoing mentoring, and develop valuable resource materials.

As the Nurturing Charity, we are pleased to be able to accept donations and issue charitable donation receipts on behalf of MCC. The collaboration and participation of both organizations supports mental health and wellness, as well as the the promotion and improved access to skillfully-delivered mindfulness programs and practices in all spaces, for all persons living in Canada.

Toronto District School Board (TDSB)TDSB Partnership Mindfulness Everyday has an educational programming partnership agreement with the TDSB to provide mindfulness-based programming to support health and wellness for students, educators, professional support staff and parents. https://pims.tdsb.on.ca/Home.aspx/OurPartners

Eline Snel Academy for Mindful Teaching Foundation

Eline Snel Academy for Mindful Teaching Foundationhttps://www.elinesnel.com/
The international Academy for Mindful Teaching (AMT) offers worldwide Mindfulness training courses for adults in the Method Eline Snel. The Training courses are meant for professionals working with children at school, in private practice or mental health care area.

CFCL LogoThe Center for Compassionate Leadership


The mission of the Center for Compassionate Leadership is to advance compassionate methods of leadership by integrating best practices of modern leadership, evidence-based science, and contemplative wisdom. The Center accomplishes this through thought leadership, research, curriculum and training, community, and collaboration. 

Jenn Bruer Author

Helping Effortlessly: A Book of Inspiration and Healinghttps://amzn.to/3uwRXjO

Burnout Prevention & Recovery Strategist, Author, and Wellness Trainer from Toronto, Canada.  https://jennbruer.com

Mindfulness Certificates Available

Mindfulness has been proven to have many personal and professional benefits, including discipline, tolerance, calmness, and mental clarity. In a professional sense, mindful thinking and practice has been proven to lead to better productivity and workplace satisfaction. Our Mindfulness program, presented in partnership with the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, provides a secularized approach to the traditional Buddhist practice. Designed in such a way that it can be applied to many different areas of professional and personal life, our courses are taught by instructors who have a wide range and depth of experience in a variety of disciplines. Courses and certificates are appropriate for those with a personal interest in becoming more mindful as well as those working in care professions such as social workers, counsellors, educators, nurses, doctors and allied health professionals.

Teaching Mindfulness with Teens with Heidi Bornstein and Natalia Fister

Teens today need help to manage anxiety, cultivate empathy and compassion and develop coping skills. Mindfulness can help them, and this introductory workshop will help you teach mindfulness to teens. Whether you’re a teacher, education support worker, or other youth service practitioner, you’ll get the information and resources you need to design a new mindfulness curriculum or implement an existing one. You’ll explore the core elements of mindfulness training, practical applications, curriculum connections, neuroscience research, customized lesson plans and adaptations for different populations.

The Conscious Explorers Club


Being Human Takes Practice The Consciousness Explorers Club is reinventing the community meditation experience. We explore together every Monday night in Toronto, and record audio for those who can’t make it in person.

Stressed Teens

Stressed Teens


Stressed Teens, created by Gina Beigel offers comprehensive online trainings for teens, parents, and professinals. Gina has also created numerous printed resources.
Calmer Choice

Calmer Choice


Calmer Choice is a universal prevention program committed to teaching young people how to effectively and safely manage stress and resolve conflict so that they live happy, healthy and successful lives. Our goal is to provide skills that will diminish the risk of violence, substance abuse, and other self-destructive behaviors.
Since 2010, Calmer Choice has been dedicated to bringing secular mindfulness-based social emotional education into Cape Cod public schools.

With Equal Step


Family engagement is one of the top indicators of student achievement. With Equal Step is dedicated to building meaningful school-home partnerships. Researchers around the world tell us that when families are engaged in their children’s education, students do better. Whether you’re an educator, parent leader or community agency, we’re here to help.

It Starts With MeIt Starts With Me


Starts With Me was created from the transformation of personal and family suffering into hope, resilience, wellbeing and joy. Starts With Me is a solution to the challenges faced by Mike Stroh, his brother Dave, and family. We create platforms to support gaps in education and services along with empowering families and individuals to increase their capacity for well-being.

Jenny Horsman

Jenny Horsman

My dream is to help to create equitable educational settings anywhere and everywhere so that students who have experienced any form of violence can understand how that has impacted our learning, take part in new conversations, and find commonality with others as we explore new strategies to support successful learning. http://jennyhorsman.com/

Starts With Me was created from the transformation of personal and family suffering into hope, resilience, wellbeing and joy. Starts With Me is a solution to the challenges faced by Mike Stroh, his brother Dave, and family. We create platforms to support gaps in education and services along with empowering families and individuals to increase their capacity for well-being.

Higher Learning Foundation Higher Learning Foundation


Driving Innovation in Student Wellness. The Higher Learning Foundation (HLF) has always prioritized helping students succeed. As the Founder of HLF, Trish Kulathungam, was completing her post-secondary degree, she was inspired to create a more accessible scholarship program.

Partners offering Local Workshops and Courses

Myndful Movement Program with Deb Taylor

https://myndfulmovement.com Educators Courses / Resource Material / Movement Videos

Sue Hutton, BSW, MSW

Groups, online counselling, presentations to organizations, schools and individuals.  https://www.facebook.com/ suehuttonmindfulness

Mindful Parenting Groups


Mindful Parenting Groups with Gayle Saifert, D.C.S, RS


Partners Offered Individual Consulting

Reed Hilton-Eddy

Reed Hilton-Eddy, Counselling and Psychotherapy

Empowering Your Inner Resources and Strengths Provides virtual counselling and psychotherapy to empower adults (ages 17+) who are struggling with stress and worry, feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or fixated on a fear of failure.
The individualized holistic approach combines Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and Solution Focused Counselling modalities to assist clients identify their inner strengths and resources, to provide them with tools to move forward towards their life goals.
Free consultation available.reedhiltoneddy.ca