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Benefits of a Silent Retreat



Mini Silent Retreats offered Monthly in 2021

A mini retreat can provide an opportunity and a caring space for undertaking guided meditation. Mindfulness Everyday Monthly Silent Meditation retreats offer you the opportunity to take a break and experience some practical instruction for various mindfulness meditations that we introduce during our Mindfulness Everyday Course Offerings: sitting, walking, body scan, mindful yoga and loving kindness.
Cost for the session is $25.00.

All-Day Silent Retreat Schedule see

How Does a Retreat Work?

A retreat provides an opportunity and a caring space for undertaking guided meditation, like an immersion course in a language. Meditation retreats offer practical instruction for the various mindfulness meditations introduced during the 8 week MBSR Workshop and 9-session SMART workshop: sitting, walking, body scan, mindful yoga and loving kindness. It is usually offered after the 6th week of the course, and is an integral part of the workshop.

Since ancient times all wise cultures have known the value of retreat. Time in retreat allows us to step out of the complexity of life, to listen deeply to our bodies, heart and mind. It is an opportunity to be with yourself, within a group setting, allowing awareness to expand, the body to quiet, the mind to clear, and an opening for insight to develop. Self-knowledge and understanding can grow as we see that we can live each moment with attention, clarity, and kindness.